The Disney Diaries: The Land vs. The World (Part 2)

Last time, we talked about duplicate attractions at Disneyland and Walt Disney World, and about how just because the names were the same didn’t mean the ride experiences were the same, either. In fact, most of them are not – there’s usually a clear delineation between the West Coast and the East Coast. In the…

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The Disney Diaries: Ranking The Final (And Only) Four

There’s a time for work… and there’s a time for play. Obviously, the majority of my time here at Walt Disney World with the Disney College Program consists of work in one form or another (4:00 A.M. wake-up calls, beyond-midnight shifts, and entire days on your feet), and that’s plenty of material for another post by…

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The Disney Diaries: The Land vs. The World (Part 1)

I’m about halfway through my Disney College Program experience, and it has been keeping me away from something that I’ve sorely missed over the past couple of months: writing. Down my drain went my ambitious plans to update my blog once a week, at least; nowadays, it’s a blessing if even the thought of posting something…

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